Don't give up learning Korean!
Wanna know why it's so hard?

Free Korean Name
Get a nice Korean name with free of charge in TypeKorean.com.
We are HONGBAK!!
Hongbak team is a group of passionate and qualified Korean language professionals and consists of multinational personnel.
HONG, Jinmi, as CEO and founder, teaches Korean Language and culture to foreign nationals who want to immigrate to Korea or become Korean citizens for a long time.
She always cares student's personality and their learning type and tries distinguished teaching styles and practically it's worked. Hongbak's TypeKorean service is online version of the attempt.
HONG, Jinmi, as CEO and founder, teaches Korean Language and culture to foreign nationals who want to immigrate to Korea or become Korean citizens for a long time.
She always cares student's personality and their learning type and tries distinguished teaching styles and practically it's worked. Hongbak's TypeKorean service is online version of the attempt.

Our Services
Hongbak makes Learning Korean fun and easier.
TypeKorean is applied fresh concept of learning Korean. No more boring and difficult and we improve contents based on your feedback.
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Hongbak provides Tutoring Service with qualified specialist. All of tutors has Korean Language Teacher Certificate, issued by National Institute of Korean Language with at least 2 years experiences in the field. Most of them are more than bi-lingual, so you can choose whom knows your language as well.
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You can get a nice Korean name from TypeKorean with free of charge. Hongbak collaborates with one of the best name creator in Korea. You may know there are name makers and Korean spend money to get a name for their kids from them.
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Please be patient until 4Q, 2022
HONGBAK is preparing the awesome Korean Language Service, TypeKorean
and the pilot will be released by the end of October this year hopefully.
We will update the progress on our website and social network channels. Please keep follow us.
News & Progress
Check what we've done
홍진미 대표 법무부 준법시민교육 특강 (서울출입국외국인청)
지난 3월 7일 홍진미 대표는 목동에 위치한 서울출입국외국인청에서 이주민들을 대상으로 하는 법무부 준법시민교육 특강을 진행하였습니다.
홍진미 대표 법무부 통합시민교육 특강 (서울출입국외국인청)
홍박 홍진미 대표가 지난 2022년 9월 20일 서울출입국외국인청에서 영주권 취득 예정자를 대상으로 법무부 통합시민교육 특강을 실시하였습니다.
홍박, 판교에 사무실 오픈
안녕하세요, 홍박이 7월 19일자로 판교에 사무실을 오픈하였습니다. 2022년 K-Global 공모전 지원프로그램의 일환으로 판교 제2테크노밸리에 위치한 기업지원허브 혁신기술존 2층 Hi Tech […]
Qualified Tutors
Hongbak Team
Meet our passionate and dedicate members

Hoang Thi Ha Phuong
Co-Founder / Chief Advisor
"The learning Korean is definitely not easy, but there is a way always as I did. Although I got TOPIK 6 and confident with using Korean, I still remember how I struggled at the very beginning. The know-how is reflected in TypeKorean. I am quite sure you will enjoy learning Korean with TypeKorean."

PARK, Hyungjin
Co-Founder / COO
"I have multi-cultural backgrounds and experienced learning foreign languages, English, Japanese and even Swahili, as a foreigner. In most of case at the beginning, it was so hard and wanna gave up. However, there were always solutions to overcome it. Please stay with Hongbak. We will be at your side always. "